Written by
Li Zhuohua
Reducible Matrix
1 Definition #
A square \(n \times n\) matrix \(A\) is called reducible if the indices \(1,2, \dots ,n\) can be divided into two disjoint nonempty sets \(i_1, i_2, \dots , i_{\mu}\) and \(j_1, j_2, \dots , j_{\nu}\) (with \(\mu+\nu=n\) such that:
\[A_{i_{\alpha}, j_{\beta}}=0\]
for \(\alpha=1,2, \dots ,\mu\) and \(\beta = 1,2, \dots , \nu\).
A matrix is reducible if and only if it can be placed into block upper-triangular form by simultaneous row/column permutations. In addition, a matrix is reducible if and only if its associated digraph is not strongly connected.
A square matrix that is not reducible is said to be irreducible.
2 Reference #